The Importance of Video in Book Marketing

Book Marketing Video

You’ve heard over and over again that you need a book trailer: the publishing industry has long known that video would emerge to dominate marketing above other forms of media, and in 2019, it’s finally in full swing.

Let’s take a quick look and examine the impact the rise of video has made on marketing and how it can help you promote your book:

The Importance of Video as a Book Marketing Tool

  • YouTube has surpassed a billion users, and has become a search engine where people go to look for content – which is why they should be able to find your novel there! 
  • In 2018, 45% of people in the US watch over an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week.
  • 82% of Twitter users watch video that has been tweeted on the platform

Some authors may shy away from using video in marketing even despite these statistics because they might feel the best way to sell a piece of writing is with… written words. But you can’t make the assumption, especially based on current data, that just because a person likes reading books that the best way to reach that potential customer is through a written advertisement.

Video delivers your message with lightening speed and creates a shareable piece of content that can be spread on social media. 

If you’re interested in making a book trailer for your novel or picture book, contact us today.